Claire Marti put her BA in English Literature to good use in a wide range of careers, including practicing law, selling software for legal publishers, and managing a non-profit animal rescue for a Hollywood actress, before she followed her heart and now focuses on two of her true passions: writing romance and teaching yoga. At Last in Laguna (Finding Forever in Laguna Book 2) is her second book from The Wild Rose Press.
At Last in Laguna (Finding Forever in Laguna Book 2) comes out October 18, 2017. What was the inspiration for the story?
When I wrote Second Chance in Laguna, the idea of throwing together Brandt, the hero’s best friend and Alyssa, his baby sister appealed to me. I love the brother’s best friend trope and it adds a light, playful element to a story with some darker underlying themes. Brandt, the hero, rose above a tragic childhood and becomes a success despite it all. He gives back by building Tearmann House, a center for abused children and women. He’s scarred inside, despite appearing like another handsome successful guy on the outside. Alyssa has her own demons to contend with too.
What character out of all your books is the closest to your personality?
Sophie Barnes from Second Chance in Laguna. Her smarmy ex-fiancé is based upon my own. Her lifelong desire to be a “real writer” and her willingness to start over without a safety net is close to home.
What is the nicest thing a reviewer has ever said about one of your books?
I’ve been lucky to have some kind reviews. Here’s my favorite:
“I’m picky about my romance novels and always leary of trying new authors, but I’m glad I took a chance on this book. The main characters were well-developed and extremely likeable — Sophie frequently had me chuckling out loud — and the secondary characters were also nicely drawn. The book was fast-paced and kept me hooked throughout…but not so fast-paced that the author skipped the work of making me care about the characters and their story.” 5-Stars on Amazon
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I’ve been gathering author friends over the last few years from local romance writer groups, the annual RWA conference, and also from online groups like 17 Scribes. Being able to commiserate over the highs and lows involved in the publishing world helps me so much. I’m inspired by all the different paths to publication, the swapping of books to read and offer honest, yet kind critiques, and the knowledge there are other like-minded souls in the world.
What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?
What a great question! I think Persuasion by Jane Austen is looked over because of Pride and Prejudice. I love the heroine Anne Elliot and found this to be the funniest of all Austen’s work.
About At Last in Laguna (Finding Forever in Laguna Book 2):
Alyssa Morgan has secretly been in love with her older brother Nick’s best friend, Brandt Dempsey, since she was an awkward, lonely teenager. When she catches the bouquet at Nick’s wedding, she throws caution to the wind and propositions Brandt to a two-week fling. He’s tried to ignore how Alyssa has blossomed into a strong, talented, gorgeous woman because as his best friend’s baby sister, she’s off limits.
After they share a mind-blowing kiss, Brandt struggles to fight their undeniable chemistry. His tragic childhood scarred him, but he pushes it deep inside, only allowing the world to see a wealthy, carefree entrepreneur. Forced to work together on Brandt’s latest charitable venture, Brandt and Alyssa’s passion cannot be denied. Alyssa knows he’s the one. Can she convince him they belong together?
You can buy At Last in Laguna here:
Amazon: At Last in Laguna (Finding Forever in Laguna Book 2)
You can keep in contact with Claire at:
Twitter: @clairepmarti