Laura Heffernan is like the wind. A couple of years ago, she discovered that she could have the time of her life doing pole fitness. In the still of the night, Laura enjoys writing books that recognize love is strange. Before taking time off to have a baby, yes, she could do most of the moves described in this book. Not that one. But because big girls don’t cry, she tries not to dwell on it. Where is she? Probably on Twitter, tweeting about reality television, board games, or Canadian chocolate.
What has been the best moment since you were published in 2017?
I feel like I should say getting to hold my son for the first time in 2018. And while that was wonderful… it’s not related to publishing. I will say that holding a book I wrote, and seeing it on shelves in a bookstore or library, is pretty amazing. Especially when it’s a new release, because you’re full of excitement thinking about all the possibilities. Publishing is a roller coaster, so you’ve really got to hold onto those highs when you have them.
What has surprised you the most about the publishing industry?
Honestly, how slowly everything moves. From the time it takes to get editor responses to contract negotiations to lead time before announcements….and everything after. Royalty checks come months after sales are made. Even waiting for Amazon rankings to update takes longer than you’d expect (they say it’s every hour, but that’s not 100% accurate). It’s rough if you’re impatient like me. I recommend finding an engrossing hobby. For example, I’ve taken up hardcore chocolate-chip-cookie-dough eating. Yoga is also good.
What advice would you give to an author debuting in 2019?
Hang in there. Buy lots of chocolate. And come up with a way to distract yourself so you’re not constantly refreshing Amazon to stare at your ranking (see above).
Can you do a quick summary of your journey to date?
Since my debut, I published two more books in the Reality Stars series. The Gamer Girl series (She’s Got Game (Gamer Girls Book 1), Against the Rules (Gamer Girls Book 2)
, and Make Your Move (Gamer Girls Book 3)
) will be released in August, October, and December 2019. And I finally forced myself to get over my fear of self-publishing: Time of My Life: A Romantic Comedy (Oceanic Dreams Book 2)
, a novella in the multi-author Oceanic Dreams series came out on June 3.
What is your latest release?
Janey’s never felt this way before, but passengers are off limits. It’s only one dirty dance…
Legend says everyone who boards the Oceanic Aphrodite finds love. Janey’s on the ship to teach pole fitness, not for romance. Then she meets Frank. He’s everything Janey isn’t-refined, classy, rich-but his good looks and charm make him undeniably appealing. Unfortunately, he’s also a passenger.
When Janey’s partner can’t perform in the end-of-cruise talent show, Frank offers to fill in. He’s never done pole, but she’s got time to teach him. As they grow closer, Janey finds herself hoping the legend is real-but if she gives in to temptation, she could be out of a job.
Time of My Life: A Romantic Comedy (Oceanic Dreams Book 2) is the second novella in the Oceanic Dreams series.
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