His Lord’s Soldier is a RuBY finalist

Exciting news! I’m a finalist in the Romance Writers of Australia: Romantic Book of the Year (RuBY) Awards for 2022

I joined Romance Writers of Australia in 2016 after writing my first book (To Charm a Bluestocking) and not knowing what to do next. I went to their annual conference, and pitched it, gained a contract with Escape Publishing (published March 2017), and now I sit here, several years later, about to publish my thirtieth book and still enjoying a first.

His Lord’s Soldier is my first RuBY finalist. There is something giddy about the validation of being a finalist in an award, and throw in that this novella is a gay historical set in 1919 between a returned soldier and his best friend, and it’s all a bit surreal.

If you look at the long list of amazing winners of the RuBY, this novella isn’t the type of book that typically gets chosen by judges to the point where I almost didn’t enter it. I’m super grateful to all the judges who read His Lord’s Soldier and loved it.

Romance Writers of Australia have an annual #RubyReadAlong and you can find all the finalists and links to their books over at Goodreads here.

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