A found family series based around Mrs Farrellton and her foster children. Each story works as a stand-alone book, with the series characters connected via their foster mother, Mrs Farrellton.
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Reading Order
1. Betrayed (Jordan and Esther) - Buy It Here
2. Forbidden (Queenie and CJ) - Buy It Here
3. Liability (Neve and Jessica) - Buy It Here
This series was written in 2018 and has been extensively re-edited and updated in 2022.
Content Warnings
Betrayed: contains descriptions of teenage pregnancy, child-brides, and homelessness.
Forbidden: contains a discussion on the ethics of foster siblings having a romantic relationship outside the foster family dynamic, toxic abusive parents, parental death, and burnout.
Liability: contains descriptions of death during an accident and subsequent injury to one of the main characters, drug addiction, and a foster kid meeting a biological parent.