Kapow Advertising Series

The Kapow Advertisting Agency is based in Sydney, Australia and is owned by Vince Cattaneo (Craving His Spotlight).
Ella (Out of Her League) is their corporate lawyer, and Stu (His Buxom Beauty) is the Strategy Manager. Jamie (Her Pregnant Rival) is Vince's best friend.

Get a free bonus story in the Kapow series when you sign up for my newsletter!

Reading Order:
1. Out of her League (Joey and Ella) fm - Buy Link
2. His Buxom Beauty (Stu and Poppy) fm - Buy Link
3. Craving His Spotlight (Vince and Riley) mm - Buy Link
4. Her Pregnant Rival (Jamie and Amanda) ff - Buy Link

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Content Warnings

Out of her League: includes references to suicide, alcoholism, and cancer. It also contains a hero who uses a wheelchair, and no magical cure for his disability.
His Buxom Beauty: includes references to sexual manipulation and cheating (not on the page and not between the main characters of this story).
Craving His Spotlight: includes references to alcoholism.
Her Pregnant Rival: includes references to pregnancy, domestic violence, gaslighting, a discussion on abortion, and issues around weight loss.

Newsletter Bonus Story
Rekindled: marriage in trouble

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