Favourite Reads in 2017

Summer in Australia has set in, the lawn is crunchy, and the kids have thrown tinsel all over one of the trees in the yard. That can mean only one thing – 2017 is almost at a close, and publishing is filled with ‘best books’ lists for the year.


My top five romances of 2017

This book is a beautifully told journey of justice, and the price people had to pay for the ongoing struggle for equity. An Extraordinary Union balances the history with an engaging story between two decent folk with big hearts who are trying to make a difference to the lives of many.

If you love epilogues in your romances, then you will love this. Three beautiful stories by three excellent authors set in the USA Civil War, inspired by the Broadway show Hamilton.

As expected from Alisha Rai, there is a plenty of super hot sex. And in this story, those moments are integral to the plot, to the tension, and to the love. The grand gesture is amazing, as the hero sacrifices everything he strives to build for the heroine.

If you love the Australian pub yarn, you’ll enjoy this m/m book. The writing is evocative, and unusually for an Australian historical it includes a First Nations character who isn’t a stereotype.

Childhood friends met again as adults. Beverly Jenkins creates characters that are true to themselves, and that are easy to fall in love with. She crafts stories of success and happiness out of a difficult times.

My top five non-romances of 2017

The twist in this book is mind-blowing, bringing home the reality of life for our First Nations peoples and placing it directly into everyone’s hands.

For someone living outside the USA, this book gives a fascinating in-depth perspective to the police shootings that we occasionally see on the news.

No wonder everyone is talking about this book. The writing is evocative, the mystery is clever, and the sense of claustrophobia of a small town is apparent on every page.

A group of widows join a writing class, and learn to express themselves through erotic romance. The book is scattered with snippets of their stories, which highlights the incredible variety that author Balli Kaur Jaswal is able to produce.

I took this to London when we travelled there this year. It’s handy and outlines all those places that are so familiar to readers – even the ones that aren’t there any more (Almacs).
Note: You can read about our travels here.

My top five books I enjoyed this year (not published in 2017)

Wild city girl meets country boy. The dialogue is clever and witty, the passion is steamy, and the heroine finds friendship outside the romance relationship. I do love books that include plenty of friends.

This book has the best last line in a romance ever. Bollywood and the Beast is a complex tale of two brothers and their lovers.

People have criticized this book for not having a HEA, however, in my mind, the fact that Eleanor finds a safe place to live is a HFN for her. Too many books that include domestic issues end with the lead female character dead, and it’s refreshing to have a different approach.

OMG, the donut scene. A fun romp built on a misunderstanding that leads to blossoming love.

A delightful combination of historical working woman (with female friends), brilliant tension, and a decent mystery.

My own releases in 2017
To Charm A Bluestocking: She wants to be one of the world’s first female doctors; romance is not in her plans.
In Pursuit Of A Bluestocking: When he goes hunting a thief, he never expects to catch a bluestocking…

Note: all links are affliated links to Amazon USA.

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