Interview: Tania Joyce

Tania Joyce is an Australian author of contemporary and new adult romance novels. Her stories thread romance, drama and passion into beautiful locations ranging from the dazzling lights and glitter of New York, to the rural countryside of the Hunter Valley. She lives in Queensland with her family, and she’s not writing, she enjoys camping, hot yoga, and the company of friends and family – especially if it’s over a glass of wine!

Your 5th book, RUINED – The Price of Play: Everhide Rockstar Romance Series Book 2, comes out on March 11, 2019. What was the inspiration for the story?
After writing RIPPED – The Price of Loyalty: Everhide Rockstar Romance Series Book 1, Hunter, my playboy, arrogant rockstar, needed a happy ever after. I loved this character so hard, but I needed to break him. I wanted to write a tear-jerker of a novel. What better way to pull on heart-strings then bringing a baby into the picture and the two main characters must overcome their differences and face being parents. But it has one major gut-wrenching twist that adds to the shock value. (I don’t want to give it away – but tears may be a side effect from reading this book. Be prepared to ugly cry!)

Is there a genre of book you would like to write but haven’t yet?
I’m playing with romantic suspense for my next book. I don’t think I will ever leave the romance genre. I like my steamy sex scenes and my happy ever afters.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Plotter. But I do divert every now and then when the characters and story come to life. I always know the structure, character arc, the goals, motivation and conflict of the story before I start writing.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one? If not, then which one is closest to your heart?
I think it’s a close toss-up between RIPPED – The Price of Loyalty: Everhide Rockstar Romance Series Book 1 and RUINED – The Price of Play: Everhide Rockstar Romance Series Book 2.
Ripped was so full of heart wrenching angst, which I love to write. Ruined, was a real challenge emotionally. There are some confronting topics in it and I had to dig deep to make sure the scenes came out on the page correctly.

What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
I am friends with too many authors to list them all. I am involved with a couple of closely-knit writing groups. My critique partners are ruthless. We review each other’s work, chapter by chapter. They keep me motivated to keep churning out the words, help with edits, and help me reach the end. Then I have my published romance writers’ group. We focus more on the business of being an author. We share what works, what doesn’t, do writing races and drink lots of wine. I wouldn’t be the author today if it wasn’t for my wonderful tribe of authors that help me follow my passion for writing. Great bunch of ladies.

About RUINED – The Price of Play: Everhide Rockstar Romance Series Book 2
He wanted one night. She wanted forever. A heartbeat changes everything.

One night of fun turns into a nightmare. Newly single, broken-hearted and being told she’ll never have children, Kara Knight drowns her sorrows at her best friend’s engagement party and falls into bed with the one person who was on her never-touch list—playboy rock star Hunter Collins.
Becoming pregnant is nothing short of a miracle.
But Hunter is haunted by a traumatic upbringing and isn’t prepared to become a father.
With Hunter on tour and Kara’s health at risk, is she destined to be a single mom? Or will a tragic twist of fate bring this unlikely pair together?

Buy it here (Amazon Affiliated Link)
RUINED – The Price of Play: Everhide Rockstar Romance Series Book 2


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