Be Mine: Ruby Rare

The Be Mine: Valentine Novellas to Warm The Heart is a collection of romance novellas for Valentine’s Day. Starting with low heat, and rising to steamy!
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Ruby Rare is a true believer of all things romance, from the tame and adventurous to the raunchy and risqué. She’s an avid reader of all genres, but romance in particular, and writes Contemporary Romance Suspense, incorporating her love for travel to fabulous far off places across Australia and around the world, integrating her knowledge derived into her stories.

Your story in the Be Mine Valentine Anthology is “Twist of Fate”.  What was the inspiration for the story?

Originally Twist of Fate was meant to be part of another anthology with a link to a fortune teller who passed through generations and time travel. Hence why there is mention of Madam Mireille within the story. Sadly that anthology didn’t progress. Fortunately for me and as luck would have it, Be Mine Valentine came about and it was like a perfect fit – a match made in a writer’s heaven.

And seriously, who doesn’t like a little Valentine in their lives? The very idea of being romanced, by someone you love or even a secret admirer…it’s always swoon worthy. This particularly story came to me while on a trip to Hawaii, which I have to say, as an Australian, is a magical place to take a vacation!

I love my two main characters, there is a natural simpatico and compatibility between them that only comes when you meet the right person. They each have their own history and baggage that they deal with, although Harrison has overcome most of his, and helps Caitlynd deal with hers.

Caitlynd Palmer leaves her traumatic past behind as she starts a new life in Oahu, Hawaii. Lawyer turned surfer Harrison Walsh, helps Caitlynd embrace the Hawaiian lifestyle. She’s ready to leave the past behind, but will the past let her go?

You’ve published one other book.

Currently I have a short story published, JOJO’s: Christmas Beginnings, in another anthology, It happened One Christmas: A Christmas Collection, under my other name A.T. Morgan – which is still available here. 

You can find more information about me on my website, where you can discover info on other manuscripts that are nearing the final stages, which I am keen to set free into the wild for people’s enjoyment. (Romance Suspense: Perfectly Ordered; Contemporary Romance: Retreat by the Bay; Romance Suspense: Into the Storm; Contemporary Romance: American Honey)

I am a true romantic at heart, but the reality of life means there are always twists and turns to the path of bliss. I tend to write about those twists – Romance with a Twist is my tag line, there is never a dull moment.

Which main character would be the most embarrassed to get a public Valentine’s gift, and why?

In “Twist of Fate” I believe both Harrison and Caitlynd would be quite embarrassed to receive a public Valentines gift; Harrison is the one that normally does the giving, he’s the one that’s determined to help Caitlynd overcome her fears and wants to put the sunshine back into her eyes. And Caitlynd, who is a very private person, very much an introvert and trying to move on with her life, would hate any type of public affection, preferring everything to be very much in private, particularly in order to keep her safe; even though, with a great deal of encouragement, dances the hula in front of a crowd.

What’s your ideal Valentine’s Day gift?

My ideal Valentine’s Day is not so much the receiving of gifts, it would be spending time with my husband, even after 37 or so years, somewhere on a beach, or park, or by a waterfall, or lake, enjoying a picnic with some good wine and cheese, watching a sunset…sigh, sounds like bliss to me.

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