Be Mine: Monique McDonell

The Be Mine: Valentine Novellas to Warm The Heart is a collection of romance novellas for Valentine’s Day. Starting with low heat, and rising to steamy!
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Monique McDonell is an Australian contemporary women’s fiction author who writes chick-lit, romantic comedies and sweet romance novels. She is nothing like her characters, except she does share something in common with some of them. Allegra (Mr Right and Other Mongrels) has a dog phobia like me, Cassie (Hearts Afire) falls in love on a tropical island which is how I met my husband, and Amelia (A Fair Exchange) was an exchange student who is now all grown up.

Your story in the Be Mine Valentine Anthology is Flight Bound. What was the inspiration for the story?

This story was inspired by a plane trip I took from Sydney to Brisbane. It was a small plane and I was in the front row and the flight attendants were sitting directly across from me having a very personal conversation that I couldn’t help but hear and I thought “what if someone that knew one of them was on the flight but they didn’t recognise them?” I came right home and wrote that novella.

You’ve published 28 books. Which main character would be the most embarrassed to get a public Valentine’s gift, and why?

Great question. I’ve written some pretty shy characters over the years. I’m pretty sure it would be Chloe from Any Way You Want It: An Upper Crust Series Novel (The Upper Crust Series Book 5). Unfortunately for her she falls for a very over the top character so I can see him going all out on the romantic Valentine’s gestures.

What’s your ideal Valentine’s Day gift?

Honestly, I’d take dinner reservations and a nice night out. Dinner reservations in Paris would be extra nice! I usually make us a nice dinner because it’s easier with my husband’s schedule.

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