Only One Bed: Torrance Sené

Over the next week or so, I’m going to be interviewing each of the eight authors in the Only One Bed: A Steamy Romance Anthology Vol 1 (Romancing The Trope). I’ve put them in alphabetical order and a quick reminder that this blog uses Amazon Affiliated links.

Torrance Sené, a demisexual bisexual, resides in the southeast US and often dreams of living on the beach. When not writing, she can usually be found feeding her addictions to tea, planners, K-pop, and books. She also writes under the pen name Cassie Donoghue.

Your story in the Only One Bed anthology is “What You Need”. What was the inspiration for behind the story?
Gina Carano lol. She’s who I see in my mind as Bree, and I wanted a story that encapsulated her sassy energy and badassness. I also love stories that skirt along the lines of taboo and power dynamics.

What do you love about the Only One Bed trope?
The temptation forced proximity gives. It’s delicious. I love watching them try and fight the tension.

Are any of your other books connected to your story in the Only One Bed anthology?


Snow was falling as Ness ventured to the terrace. The sound of burbling water caught her attention, however. She didn’t recall the brief stating the home had any water features that would still be running in the dead of winter. She rounded one of the columns, and her breath hitched. Bree was in the hot tub.
And she appeared to be naked.

Her black hair was soaked through and slicked back against her scalp. Ness bit her lip. Suddenly, she was very aware of her own body, and all previous misgivings were momentarily forgotten. Warmth and an undeniable ache coursed through her veins. Her pulse rose in cadence. Her fingers itched to touch Bree’s skin.

This was ridiculous.

Ness grimaced and briefly clenched her jaw. She needed to be a voice of responsibility. They had a job to do, dammit, and here her colleague was nude and dripping with water. Jesus Christ, she looked amazing… “What exactly are you doing? I thought you were playing solitaire or something.”

Bree swiveled around in the water and smirked. “It’s cold inside. I was trying to relax and have a good time. You should try it sometime.” She drifted over, propping her forearms on the tub’s edge. Water dripped down the sides. “That scowl you always seem to have might just dissolve.” She flicked a little water at her.

Ness rolled her eyes, even if her stomach dropped at the teasing insult. She’d become a hard ass since the breakup with her ex; she knew it. “Or you could try not being so damn carefree for once. A foreign concept, I know.”

“Oh, she has some bite.” Bree motioned to one of the patio chairs, the look of amusement still on her pretty face.

Ness wanted to take her by the throat and kiss it off her.

“Could you hand me that towel?”

Bree’s request snapped Ness back to reality. She grabbed the towel and flung it over to her coworker. Ness thanked every god in existence that Bree faced away when she stood. But that didn’t stop the heat rising to Ness’s cheeks as she watched the water slither its way down Bree’s spine and over her plump ass. Her own nipples hardened.

She looked down out of respect. Yeah, respect. That’s it. It wasn’t that she wanted Bree more than anyone or that she had turned down dates with others because she couldn’t get Bree out of her mind. She downed the thickness in her throat. Her mind was the only place she’d get to be with her. She knew that. It was too messy otherwise.

Buy Only One Bed: A Steamy Romance Anthology Vol 1 (Romancing The Trope) here (Amazon Affiliated link):

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