Inspired by a Reddit Post

Her Pregnant Rival is an enemies to lovers Sapphic romance inspired by a Reddit post. Yes, that’s right. Inspiration is everywhere, and the internet is a continual source of fun things. Note, a transcript of the two Reddit screenshots is at the end of this blog post.

Quite a few people commented on this post saying that the two women should dump the man and hook up -> HEA

This all lead to the blurb for Her Pregnant Rival:

Society expects them to be rivals, but what if the best revenge is love?

Fashion blogger JAMIE CLEVELAND only gets access to her trust fund when her father is happy with her actions. If it was just money, she’d walk away, but she desperately wants to keep her mother safe too. Obedience matters to him. When she gets pregnant, she learns that her lover Craig is married and she freaks out. Her family, especially her father, cannot find out. Desperate, she confronts Craig’s wife, and they argue. All is lost until she turns up at the hospital for an appointment and Craig’s ex-wife is her doctor.

When DR AMANDA AITKEN discovers her ex-husband, Craig, has been screwing a fashion blogger, she’s reminded why she filed for divorce. It’s one thing to believe that women shouldn’t be pitted against each other when a terrible man is to blame, but it’s another thing all together to see one of her husband’s fuck-buddies in person. But when Jamie arrives at the hospital for an appointment, she realises she can’t let her children’s half-sibling grow up alone. She invites Jamie to live with her and raise the baby along with her own two children.

Society expects them to be rivals, and neither of them expect that the best revenge on Craig is to love each other.

Buy Her Pregnant Rival Here

Transcript of the Reddit Post:

I (23f) am days away from giving birth and my (37m) boyfriend just decided to tell me that he can’t be at the birth-because he’s married.

So first off I know the age gap probably should’ve been a red flag but I was stupid. We’ve been together for two years but he lives in a different city. When I got pregnant, he said he was going to move to my city and we would move in together, he just needed to finalize some things with his ex wife. He told me he was divorced when we met and I never had any reason to question it. I knew that he had 2 kids with her sa wll, he told me the truth about that, just not that he wasn’t divorced (or even separated).

So fast forward, I’m 39 weeks and he suddenly got uncommunicative which is less than ideal when you’re literally about to give birth. Bear in mind that he was supposed to have been fully moved in here a month ago (blamed covid).

Today I found out I am going to be induced on Monday unless the baby decides to come out over the weekend so I contacted him and I was like okay what’s going on? And that’s when he told me that he isn’t actually separated or divorced, he never told his wife about anything, and now he felt like he was backed into a corner.

I don’t feel sorry for him for that because that’s his own fault, but obviously literally four days before giving birth isn’t the time you want to get this news and I have no idea what to do now. Tell him to fuck off, obviously, but what else? I feel like I mean I CAN take care of the baby but I was preparing to have a partner to take care of it with me, you know?

I don’t even know what I’m asking for in terms of advice but any advice for moving forwards and handling this is appreciated.

(update) on having a baby with my married boyfriend & not knowing he was married

First things first: I had my healthy baby girl on Monday evening. We were discharged shortly after birth due to Covid so I have been just trying to adjust to everything. Her birth was a dream and I never want to do it again. Lol.

Second: I talked to his wife for over an hour yesterday. I guess he decided to tell her. She wasn’t mad at me, thank God. She’d had her suspicions but was trying to trust her husband which I understand. She was so nice honestly and even though she isn’t angry at me I still feel bad because she’s such a nice lady. She wanted to make sure I was doing okay and that I didn’t need anything which made me cray because postpartum hormones are whack. She’s getting a divorce from him (good for her tbh). We are planning to meet up and talk shit about him once the virus is over.

I have a lawyer and will establish custody and child support legally asap. He hasn’t bothered ot contact me at all but I don’t particularly care.

I didn’t want to leave anyone hanging even though it’s not a huge update. Thank you to everyone who checked in. It means a lot.

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